Meet the Team

Museum Founder and Curator 26.01.1942 – 16.10.2013.
The Museum is intended to be a humble and sincere tribute to all the airmen who flew, fought and died in the skies over southern England during the Battle of Britain in 1940.
There is only one display that slightly deviates from these aims but commemorates Mike Llewellyn MBE, the Founder and Curator of the Kent Battle of Britain Museum, who sadly died on Wednesday 16th October 2013, aged 71.
The Museum has always been run by a group of likeminded individuals, with a common aim. Some have contributed greatly to what you see when you visit, but even without them the museum would still exist, although it must be said in a different form. Without Mike, the Museum would have never existed.
The museum owes its existence to a chance encounter on a Thames Estuary mudflat between a diver and a pile of twisted metal. Early in 1965, Mr. Alfred Llewellyn, a Port of London helmet diver, was working in one of the shipping lanes of the Thames Estuary in search of a sunken yacht when he came across a wrecked spitfire resting on a mudflat exposed by a low tide. He mentioned this chance find to his son Michael who was fascinated by the possibility that tangible relics of a great battle for national survival were still to be found scattered about the countryside more than twenty-five years after the event.
This incident fired Mike Llewellyn’s imagination and he attempted to relocate the wreck but without success. Undeterred, he sought out similar wrecks and began researching the subject of aircraft losses and casualties in depth. Gradually he gathered a group of enthusiasts with similar interests to recover surviving relics of British and German aircraft lost in combat during the Battle of Britain.

I joined the museum at the age of ten in 1979 after badgering my parents to allow me to volunteer. Luckily Dave Buchanan (the original chairman) and Len Green, both of the then Brenzett Aeronautical Museum allowed me to join and took me under their wing from the beginning of the planned museum at Hawkinge. A short time later Brenzett amalgamated with the Kent Battle of Britain Museum, from Chilham Castle, and I met Mike Llewellyn, Tony Parslow and others. All became inspirational in encouraging me to expand my knowledge of the Battle of Britain, to hunt for the crash-sites of long forgotten aircraft, educated me in the skills of research and down to more practical skills in such things as wood and metalwork, which I still use on a daily basis.
At the age of seventeen I became a Trustee and then was very honoured to become the Museum Chairman in 1990 (the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle) and after Dave Buchanan retired.
I have been very privileged to have known and be friends of about 400 of 'The Few' and around 50 former Luftwaffe Battle of Britain airmen, all of whom I have met through my work within the Museum. I used to juggle my work commitments with school and then work, but in 2008 the business I was working for failed and I took the massive and difficult decision to become a full-time volunteer.
Volunteering and running the museum is hard work but every day I remember and commemorate my hero's 'The Few' and by doing so, make sure others remember them too.

My first connection with the museum was in 1980 when it first came to Hawkinge but owing to work commitments I had to stop until I retired in 2004, then it was back to volunteering which I enjoy and I particularly like meeting the different visitors that come during the year. I especially enjoy a coach of veterans who always have a good story to tell, but also the young school children who make for an interesting day with some unusual questions.
I became a Trustee in 2015. Everyone is very appreciative of the work carried out by the museum volunteers.

My first memories of my life long interest in the Battle of Britain and WW2 was my dad modelling I was lucky enough to have many trips going to museums all over as a young boy. Most of dad's models ended up hanging from my bedroom ceiling in "dogfight" scenarios.. I spent many fun days playing on the Manston Spit outside and the aircraft grave yard/fire dump. Throughout my life I've visited airshows and met our hero's collecting fine art and signatures. I have visited the Museum as a visitor/supporter for some years.
A few years ago I sent a email to Dave asking how the museum was over the winter and if they needed help or advice, i'd love to help. I had a immediate reply!!! Dave asked me to "pop down for a chat"... I was intrigued. Hawkinge is approx a 40 min drive so I went that evening. I was met by Dave and shown into the main hanger, and 3 part repaired hurricanes - "When can you start?" said Dave!!! It was all ok he gave me 3 weeks to get them done.
Being accepted at the museum is a dream for me. Giving back to preserve the memory of all involved in the battle of Britain. This culminated in meeting several of my hero's at our memorial opening. Whether it's painting aircraft, vehicles, making frames or repairing toilets volunteering is something I love.

I met Mike Llewellyn sometime after finishing my National Service in Germany with the Queens Royal Regiment and, in 1964, he invited me to join his small group of friends, spending weekends recovering the wrecks of Battle of Britain aircraft. In those days it was just a hobby with no idea of anything as formal as an established museum, but over time the collection grew.
The publication in 1969 of 'Battle over Britain' written by Frank Mason, with the involvement of my brother Martin, was a great help with our searches and so that small group has now become the leading Battle of Britain museum in the world, supported by over 40 volunteers, with whom it is my greatest pleasure to work.

I started volunteering with the Brenzett Aeronautical Museum in the 1970's before the Museum joined forces with Mike Llewellyn and the Kent Battle of Britain Museum, which was then housed at Chilham Castle, and at the time we were relocating to the former RAF Hawkinge Airfield to form the Hawkinge Aeronautical Museum Trust…. Today's Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust.
I was instrumental in setting up the Limited Company Trust and obtaining Charitable status in 1982.
I am a retired chartered accountant and the Museum's Company Secretary and accountant.
Assistant to the Trustees:

It's crazy to think there was once a time in my life when I couldn't tell the difference between a Spitfire and a Hurricane, yet I remember vividly my late father showing me the difference, thus opening the world of historical aviation to such a young boy and setting the foundations of where I am today. My first experience with the museum was in late 2012, which was intended to be a 'Quick visit', but it didn't last very long and I was completely overwhelmed with the displays and artefacts as far as the eye could see. It was this that inspired me to volunteer.
From then and up until now, it's amazing to see how far the museum has grown and continues to do so, with such a committed team of volunteers. I was honoured to be offered the position of 'Assistant to the Trustees' (in May 2022) and with my work within the museum I can help to carry the memories of RAF heroes such as Ernest Scott, Dennis Noble, George Drake and many, many more for future generations to hopefully appreciate. My thanks also go to the man at the helm, Dave, who has just been a walking encyclopaedia on the finer things of all things Battle of Britain, which has been such an inspiration to me along with being an all round great friend.
Also to the trustees and the team volunteers who I've come to know over my past 9 years at the museum. And finally to my late father for introducing a young boy to this outstanding world of historical aviation and the men and women behind it all.

I guess it all started when I was younger. My mum took me to see the Battle of Britain motion film with a talk as well back then. A memory was planted and much later I visited the Kent Battle of Britain Museum which immediately inspired me by what was on show.
The museum is a people museum. Pilots, groundcrew and yes the planes are wonderful, but it's the pilots stories that grace a place in your mind, and to volunteer it's is my privilege to keep 'The Few' memories alive for are guests.

When I retired in 2010 I was looking for somewhere to offer my services as a volunteer. My wife was looking on the internet and found the Kent Battle of Britain Museum. I applied and found a world of information on the Battle of Britain, met some fantastic fellow volunteers and visitors but most of all I had the opportunity to meet some of 'The few'.
I am extremely proud to work here and help to keep the memories of those brave men and women who played a major part in preventing an invasion of our island. We also remember the brave German pilots who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

As long as I can remember, I have loved airplanes, all shapes and sizes. I was brought up watching the Battle of Britain, 633 Squadron, the Dambusters etc.
Not only that, but as a family we would go to a lot of airshows, I loved prop aircraft, so much more than the jets, as they were too loud back then.
Into my teens I would make plastic models and also balsa glider models and go radio control flying with my Uncle, who was also mad about aircraft.
I would go on to learn more and more of the aircraft that would fly in the second world war.
After spending years going to airshows, I had a moment, that got me reaching out to get involved.
After being allowed to hop over the fence at Headcorn, and being shown around the B-25 Sarinah. I knew then I had to get involved in the warbird scene.
Early 2018 I started volunteering for Aero Legends, the people who do flights in a Spitfire and many other vintage aircraft.
My world suddenly opened up, so many fantastic opportunities, including, getting up close to these fascinating airplanes has been my highlight.
Mid 2019, once I heard about the Heinkel He111 in coming to the Kent Battle of Vritain Museum, I knew I had to make myself known, its one of my favourite aircraft.
I had to see if I could help in anyway, big or small, so that I would be able to get up close to it.
I then sent Dave a very long email introducing myself. I was then invited in for a little chat with Dave and had a little look round the vast museum, and with that, I was warmly welcomed to the team.
I started out with, sanding and painting new cabinets, I'm now using any of my free time at the museum or at home, working on my beloved Heinkel, a dream come true.

Joined the volunteers in January 2018 after visiting the museum and attending a talk by the museum chairman at HAC at Duxford in 2017.

I first became aware of the Museum at their RAF 100 Celebrations in June 2018 when as the standard bearer for the Royal British Legion Hythe and Saltwood Branch I attended this event.
Shortly afterwards I volunteered to help at the Museum. I also wanted to contribute to their work in commemorating ‘The Few.’.

My story started with the Museum back in 2010 when I first visited the museum itself, from that day I became a frequent visitor that would visit up to 7 times a year sometimes more, I became good friends with Dave, Mike and the volunteers along the way.
My association with the museum as a volunteer started in December 2017 when I received a phone call from the Dave asking whether I would like to help out in moving the Bristol Blenheim a few days later from IWM Duxford. After picking myself up from the floor I gladly accepted, I felt very privileged to of been asked and have been a volunteer ever since, helping out with the restoration of the Blenheim and around the museum, I have been made very welcome by all at a Museum that has such a fantastic future ahead of it and I feel very lucky to be a small part of, as every day is different and full of surprises.

I have always had a love of aircraft and flying. My father was a Flight Engineer on Lancaster's at the end of the Second World War. I flew with my father at the age of three and from then all I wanted to do was to learn to fly. Sadly, this wasn't to be my profession, but at the age of 23 I did obtain my private pilot's licence and spent many happy hours flying. I joined the museum in 2004. I enjoy the camaraderie of the volunteers and have made many friends. The museum is the nest for presenting the history of the Battle of Britain and has many unique artefacts. I enjoy meeting the visitors, in particular the older generations who relate their experiences during the war.

I have been coming to the Museum - and annoying Dave - since I was six years old. The Museum has hugely contributed to my interest in the RAF, particularly uniforms and insignia ultimately resulting in my enlistment to the RAF in 2007, when I was 19.
Whilst I am still in RAF service, I was motivated to become a Museum volunteer so that with my wife Megan, I could be pro-active in the Museum’s Vintage weekend events.
For me, it is important to have the ability to be ‘hands on’ with so many vital pieces of history and to try and contribute to preserving the legacy of all who served during the Battle of Britain.

I have been a proud volunteer of The Kent Battle of Britain Museum since 2010. At that time I had been lucky enough to spend some time with the late Bill Green (501 Squadron, 1940) and he was insistent that I pay a visit to 'the worlds finest Battle of Britain collection'. Bill and I went onto become good friends and for his introduction to Dave Brocklehurst Mbe and this incredible museum I will be forever grateful. To say I was staggered after my first visit is an understatement! Never before or since have I seen a more evocative and intensely personal collection of artefacts, each forming a lasting memorial to the pilots involved. So much to see and so much to learn. The Kent Battle of Britain Museum commemorates the achievements and sacrifice made by pilots of all nationalities and pays homage to an incredible generation of people. Housed in some of the original buildings of RAF Hawkinge, you cant help but lose yourself to nostalgia as music from the era plays and you wander around reading one compelling story after another. A visit to the museum is a visit back to our nation's finest hour.
I am proud to have met and known Mike Llewlyn Mbe (the museums founder) in his latter years and regard it as a privelage to play my small part in the history of a museum whos origins date back to 1966. Bill was right, it truly is the world's finest Battle of Britain collection...

My interest in WW2 aviation began in 1968, when I was a pupil at Hawkinge Primary School. We were allowed to sit and watch the aircraft take-off and land on the airfield during the filming of The Battle of Britain film.
In 1971 I moved to a house behind the airfield that was reportedly originally built as a store for the RAF station. I remember the Museum begining and have enjoyed watching how it has grown over the years.
Now that I am retired, I enjoy reading about WW2 aviation and volunteering at the Museum.

I've always been interested in military history, especially aviation, and first visited the museum over 20 years ago.
I visited again in 2017 and was surprised and impressed at how much the museum had expanded. This it continues to do with many new projects in the pipeline.
It is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the team of volunteers, to welcome visitors from around the world and to help them in remembering the events and the characters involved in 1940.

When I took early retirement in January 2013, I was told by a long-standing volunteer, Pat, (who is my daughter-in-law's father) that they were looking for someone to take over the wartime Dig for Victory Garden and as he knows I am a keen amateur gardener I was asked if I would be interested.
As I have always been interested in the Second World War, I was given the brief by the Chairman, Dave, to follow the advice in the Dig for Victory book written by C. H. Middleton. I grow where ever possible known verities of vegetables and follow gardening principles at the time. I also enjoy listening to the public stories of the time so I can add it to what I do.

Having been interested in the Battle of Britain for many years and after attending the unveiling of the airfield memorial at the museum I ask Dave if I could become a volunteer having also being retired for a couple of years. He agreed and now I am able to help keep the memory alive of all those who gave so much to during the dark days of 1940.

At the age of 9 years I had a bout of one of those childhood illnesses that confine you to bed for a week and someone gave me a copy of a Biggles book to read.
From then on, I was a lost cause for anything that didn't involved flying and aeroplanes. I was lucky enough to be accepted into the RAF and was in paradise. After 12 years the Squadron I was on – 25 Squadron – didn't have aeroplanes anymore so I took a redundancy scheme and left. – plenty of Aeroplanes in Civvy street – I joined the VR(T) and was with the Air Cadets doing various things retiring at 70 years.
The lure of the RAF has drawn me back to the Museum where I am lucky enough to be Volunteer Staff.

Answering an appeal for whitworth spanners and sockets was my introduction to the Kent Battle of Britain Museum in 2013. I was invited to bring the tools to Hawkinge and meet the team who were at the time working on the Commer Tractor Unit for the Queen Mary Recovery Trailer. An invitation to join the team led to a regular Wednesday working on the various mechanical units at the base has been challenging and very interesting – no computers or laptops!!
Probably our greatest success was when the WOT 1 (War Office Transport) Ambulance (V8 Pilot engine) fired up after 25 years – sounding as sweet as a nut!
As well as the mechanical side there is also helping with visitor supervision during the summer opening – this is one thing I enjoy talking to visitors from all over the world, introducing them to some of the hidden treasures at the Museum. School children from the UK and the continent seem to be especially interested when they learn that I slept in the Morrison indoor Air Raid Shelter during the War whilst living in Canterbury. It is very rewarding being involved with a living museum whose exhibits change from week to week.

I first became an aviation enthusiast in 1997 when I was four years old and since then it has become my lifetime interest.
I realised my ultimate dream, in 2020, when I became a volunteer at The Kent Battle of Britain Museum. It is a privilege to be able to learn more there about the Battle of Britain and to share my knowledge with Museum visitors.

I’m a self confessed history geek with a passion for the Home Front so when I moved down to Kent in late 2023 and wanted to give some volunteering time to a museum, Kent Battle of Britain was my first choice.
I first came to visit the summer of that year with my boyfriend for my birthday and was instantly entranced. There is so many incredible exhibits and volunteering here means I get to spend my time surrounded by them. I love that every day here is different, from maintenance, archiving, painting and then with the visitors in the summers, you can’t get bored and it helps the fellow volunteers are so lovely to work with and a bigger bunch of geeks than me.

I visited for many years and this eventually progressed into becoming a volunteer which I started doing about 10 to 15 years ago.
These people saved our country and need to be remembered, which I feel the Museum does superbly.

Volunteering at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum is indeed a privilege.
The collection itself is simply amazing but it is the focus on the personal stories that draws you in and makes every day at Hawkinge memorable. So much to learn and commemorate.

I have visited the museum for several years on numerous occassions as I have an interest in WW2. My main interest is air warfare.
The museum's exhibits are varied and frequently changing. I deceided to become a volunteer in 2023 as there is much to learn and I have some knowledge to pass ontoo visitors.

I soon discovered The Kent Battle of Britain Museum shortly after I moved into the area. I began visiting regularly and through my enthusiasm, and lifelong interest, for all things connected to The Battle of Britain, I was invited to became a volunteer. I enjoy chatting to visitors and guiding them around the many exhibits we have on show and also answering any questions they may have.
I’ve recently completed my first ‘winter’ season, helping to restore the Ju 52 which I found very fulfilling and exciting.
My enthusiasm for the museum has led me to bring many friends here and also have introduced my nine year old grandson who is taking a very keen interest, a future volunteer!

I joined the Museum as a volunteer on my retirement in 2016. As a long-term reader of Battle of Britain books, working at the Museum has brought to life everything I had only read about previously, and working with the walking Battle of Britain encyclopaedia that is Dave B. means that any question is instantly answered.

I first came to Hawkinge many years ago when it was much more like the airfield it had been and was such an evocative place to visit and pass the time imagining how it was.
I have always had a fascination with the Battle of Britain and , in particular, the generation of men and women who gave so much , including their lives, that we might live our lives in freedom.Their sacrifices would never be forgotten, along with all those who have served this country.
I started to volunteer in May 2020 as I had time available and wanted to give something back and play a small part in what the museum does brilliantly, which is to remember the human stories of those who took part. What I know now, is how much is done by Dave and all the volunteers to make this wonderful place , such a thought provoking place to visit for all ages.
(Sadly John relocated to the USA at the end of March 2021 but once settled he is hoping to create a roll for himself, still volunteering, and promoting the Museum in North America)

I’ve been fascinated by the Battle of Britain since routinely watching the iconic 1969 film with my Grandfather as a young boy.
With age I learned both the historical significance and human sacrifice of the Battle; and have been hugely fortunate and privileged to get to know some of the very last of the ‘Few’ - who became not just my heroes, but dear friends. Helping care for Wg Cdr Tom Neil in his final years, and gaining Flt Lt Archie McInnes long overdue National recognition are memories I’ll always dearly treasure.
My first visit to the Kent Battle of Britain Museum blew me away – not just by the sheer amount of historic artefacts on show; but in both what it stands for and how it humanises and tells the individual stories of all those involved. Getting to know Dave and the Volunteers, and seeing the dedication and sheer effort they put into preserving the memory of the Battle of Britain is inspirational – and am proud to be involved in helping support the Museum.

My first introduction to the Battle of Britain came when, as a small child, my Father gave me an Airfix model of a Spitfire to build as a Birthday present. In later life he (Ken) tended the Memorial Garden at the Museum.
After his death I started volunteering. I would mow the grass which, in turn, released a volunteer with greater relevant skills than I possess to work on the exhibits. Due to an unrelated injury I have had to scale back my involvement since September 2022 but stand by to collect bits and pieces from various parts of the country. I believe it is vital and growing more so in the current climate to make the younger generation aware of what our countrymen and women did back then.
The same valour and sacrifice continues today in various parts of our armed forces.

Being a mechanic I am interested in all things with an engine. When being offered the opportunity to rebuild a Spitfire I jumped at the chance. Having a keen interest in the RAF and the Battle of Britain, I admire the dedication of the young men and women of that time and what they did for us.

Prior to moving to Dymchurch I used to regularily visit Biggin Hill airfield and attended many of the air shows there, and since moving, as a family we regularily visit Headcorn airfield. This is where I formed a interest in thhe engineering and history of aviation and particularily the Battle of Britain.
In 2019, having retired, and looking for somewhere interesting to take our grandson, we discovered The Kent Battle of Britain Museum. I was given a guided tour, was hooked by the many aspects of the museum, and have been a volunteer ever since.

I first visited the museum thanks to my husband to be (Daf) back in 2015. Since then I have taken more and more interest in the 1940’s period including re-enacting. Since then I have been pro-active in organising and supporting the re-enactment events held at The Kent Battle of Britain Museum.
We love the Museum ( and Dave I suppose!) so much that we even paid a brief visit on our wedding day.

I have been a volunteer at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum since 2004, originally, as a form of therapy following a family tragedy and health issues, but now the work at the museum has become a very important part of my life, particularly since my retirement from paid employment.

I joined the volunteer group in late July 2024 after moving to Kent the previous year. I retired in late 2023 after 50 years with the RAF and MOD and was looking for something that dovetailed with my interests. The museum is that something and I look forward to the future with a good deal of anticipation.

I'm fortunate to have been involved with aviation in both the Regular Army and the Royal Air Force for most of my working life. My main aviation knowledge concerns fast jets and helicopters, which makes volunteering at Hawkinge seem like a breath of fresh air as there is so much for me to learn.
The sacrifices made by the men and women during the Second World War, to help give us the present day lifestyles, are humbling in the extreme. My knowledge and interest increases with each day I spend at the Museum, and I particularly enjoy the interaction with our visitors, many of whom have very interesting stories of their own to tell, apart from us as volunteers trying to make their visit worthwhile and enjoyable.

I can’t really remember when I first became fascinated with military aviation history. My father had been conscripted into the RAF just after WW2 and I was brought up on a diet of visits to air displays, books on aviation (mostly borrowed from our local library), Airfix and Keil Kraft models and ‘Air Ace Picture Library’ comics. I first met Mike and Dave at the museum about thirty five years ago when I was collecting RAF memorabilia and doing some re-enacting.They were both very kind in helping me with accuracy in clothing and equipment and my friendship with them and the museum continued from there.
I took early retirement about 4 years ago and realised that it was good opportunity to get more involved with the museum as a volunteer. I enjoy the company, the camaraderie, and particularly meeting and interacting with the visitors. The museum is unique because it is so focussed on the personal stories of people directly involved with an incredibly important time in our collective history.
It is real privilege to become part of such a dedicated team.

When I was a lad I lived at Farnborough, near Biggin Hill – which was then an operational RAF Base flying Meteors and Vampires. I was up there regularly watching the action. In 1958 I was out with my two brothers in woods near Cudham when we found the crashed remains of what I thought was a Spitfire. We rolled the Merlin engine down the slope and it landed up in a farmyard below. We removed some bits as mementos.
Fast forward sixty years and on a visit to this museum I mentioned my find to Dave Brocklehurst. He gave me details of 'my plane.' It was a Hurricane flown by Tom Gleave from RAF Kenley which had been shot down – the pilot survived badly burnt.
Parts of this Hurricane are in the Museum and the Merlin engine is on display at Duxford. Fascinated by this information I enquired if Dave needed anymore volunteers for the Museum. I started in July 2018 and learning as I went, I became aware that the Museum is more about the aircrew and their history – backed up by wonderful Battle of Britain exhibits. The Museum is a testament and a tribute to all those Servicemen and women who served during the Battle of Britain.

I’ve had a lifelong fascination with ww2, and more specifically the air war, owed largely to my grandfather, a former Spitfire pilot.
I didn’t however get to visit the Museum here at Hawkinge until 2016 when I relocated to the local area. I was immediately captivated by the sheer wealth of exhibits and the history behind each and every item. Soon after this visit, I was inspired to produce a ‘then and now’ merged-photograph of the iconic ‘32 Squadron’ pilots taken at Hawkinge in July 1940, and emailed it to the museum.
This turned out to be the beginning of a close and wonderful relationship with both the museum itself and indeed Dave Brocklehurst MBE, who remains a valued friend and a constant source of inspiration and knowledge.
It’s a real privilege to witness the continued growth of the museum, to chat with our visitors, to help in the preservation and conservation of such historic artifacts and indeed, to be continually humbled at being able to play a small part in honouring the memories of our heroes, and help pass their stories on to future generations.

I retired in 2011 having moved to Hawkinge in 2007. I volunteered in 2011 and have been here ever since. A panel beater by trade so I have been able to contribute to the museum with my skills. I love meeting the different people that visit and listening to their stories. I also enjoy the banter between the volunteers.

I’ve been going to the Museum for the last 9 years as my husband, Tony, volunteers there and our three grandchildren love it. So as well as being a guide at Canterbury Cathedral, I decided this season (2022) that I would also volunteer at the Museum, being very keen on military history, the Battle of Britain in particular and the fact that my mum was in the WAAF 1941-1945, stationed at Bridgnorth, Shropshire.
The fact that the personal history of the men on both sides involved in the Battle of Britain and the artefacts that bring that history alive is a constant source of inspiration. Our visitors are always overwhelmed by their visit and I particularly like the back stories told by the visitors of their loved ones who were involved in the Battle of Britain and other conflicts. The ladies are always very emotional, as indeed are their menfolk.
When the Squadron cat, Scramble, makes an appearance, the visitors are always amused at her antics and her name. We look forward to your visit, be it for the first time or your return, and be assured that all the volunteers that you meet will give you a most warm welcome.

I have always been a 'hands on' person and have undertaken several vintage vehicle restorations. From an early age I have had a fascination with aircraft and their construction. Following my retirement, in 2013, I contacted the Museum about becoming a volunteer so that I could follow my passion for historic aircraft.
As a Museum volunteer I really like meeting the visitors and talking to them about all the exhibits we have here, while at the same time, I learn something new each day and enjoy the camaraderie of my fellow volunteers.

In 1968 I was six years old and living in Cheriton when my mum came rushing inside from the garden, 'come outside quick, you won't see this again', there were loads of planes in the sky and they were filming the Battle of Britain movie. Even at that tender age I could tell this was a bit special (a bit like the day a Phantom jet flew over our house on full reheat, just clearing the chimneys, but that's another story). From that moment my interest in wartime history grew. I had an endless fascination about how it all worked, the incredible technological advances and how people could learn such incredible skills and put themselves in such danger to protect our country.
I have been lucky enough to meet a few BOB/WW2 pilots (including Luftwaffe) and what characters! Also a good friend of the Museum amongst them - Flight Lieutenant Bill Green, what a lovely chap, intelligent, kind and thoughtful.
They all accepted the extreme challenge of warfare bravely to serve their country and it is right that I might play a small part in remembering them all by conserving their legacy at the KBOBM.

The seed was sown when, as an eleven year old, my friends and I, in 1968, watched the making of the Battle of Britain film above our village. So began by interest in WW2 History.
Fast forward 50+ years, retiring and wanting to volunteer some spare time, the Kent Battle of Britain Museum was the obvious choice.
Its difficult to put into words the privilege of walking among the stories of such brave men and women. Not just the Allies, but to also to be able to pay due respect to the Axis pilots, many of whom also paid the ultimate price.

I first started volunteering at the museum in 2006 shortly after I'd returned to live in Kent. I've been interested in the Battle of Britain since a Spitfire flew over my parents house in the 70's and my Dad told me of their history, and then took me to some museums & air shows which really gave me "the bug".
I had previously volunteered at Tangmere museum, despite which, on first approaching Mike and Dave regarding volunteering it was with trepidation being used to the "what interest would a female have in the Battle of Britain?" reaction, but I shouldn't have worried as I was warmly welcomed into the volunteer team and I know that any time I give is appreciated.
There's something for everyone at this wonderful museum, but the thing that drives us all is the awe and respect to all those brave young men, the heroes that we owe such a debt of gratitude to.
Of course, I should also mention the incredible knowledge of our self-effacing Chairman, Dave Brocklehurst MBE, if there's something he doesn't know about the Battle of Britain it ain't worth knowing.

The reason I volunteer at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum is that I feel it is very important for people to remember what happened in these dark days,plus all the other volunteers are truly dedicated to the cause,it really is a great place to be.

I first visited the museum in 2013 and being a lover of World War 2 military history I was very impressed and at the end of my visit I asked David Brocklehurst and Richard Windrow if they needed any volunteers. "Definitely", was the answer and I have been there once a week ever since.
The museum is constantly trying to upgrade itself with new exhibits and I every time I visit I learn something new. It is very satisfying to help visitors with their questions and excellent to hear so many of them have enjoyed their visit. There is a great camaraderie amongst the volunteers and with David, and I look forward to my Tuesday and Thursday stints every week. An excellent place to volunteer and "put something back."

Scramble arrived at the museum in 2014, being a present from Dave's parents, and soon became the museum mascot. Very quickly becoming a supervisor with the volunteers and a firm favourite with museum visitors, having her own fan club
No longer with us - gone but not forgotten:

Museum Founder and Curator 26.01.1942 – 16.10.2013.

As a volunteer at the Museum I am very pleased to be helping to maintain the memory of a defining moment in the history of Great Britain.
Further, meeting so many people from not only the U.K. but from all round the world is very satisfying and rewarding.

My passion for all things aviation started when I was 8 years old. My neighbour, a Leading Observer in the Royal Observer Corps, invited me on their coach trip to the Farnborough Air Show. This was an exciting period of British Aviation as it was the beginning of the ‘Jet Age’ with numerous experimental prototypes on show. This annual pilgrimage continued over the next ten years and I was privileged to witness the breaking of the ‘sound barrier’ and the development of a new generation of RAF military aircraft including Hunters, Swifts, Javelins, Lightnings and the ‘V’ bombers. Exciting times. I eventually joined the Royal Observer Corps as my aircraft recognition skills were, by now, pretty good. Unfortunately the Cold War period had begun and we spent our time 20 feet underground in a concrete bunker and never saw an aircraft. Luckily the passion lived on.
Having spent the last 22 years with an organisation that was dedicated to the preservation of post war aircraft, I decided I needed a change. I had visited the Kent Battle of Britain Museum many times and being extremely impressed by its commitment in preserving the memory of the brave aircrew on both sides of the conflict, I asked if I could join as a volunteer. Thankfully I was accepted and I now enjoy passing on my limited but growing knowledge to visitors and listening to their stories from this period when Britain stood alone.

Hi! I'm Pat. I started volunteering at the museum in 2004 in response to an advertisment that David Brocklehurst had placed in the local paper. I had just retired from the Health Physics Department at Dungeness Power Station.
I quickly came to love my time here and have totally enjoyed it. All the volunteers are great and we have a good laugh together, also it is great to have so many new volunteers joining us and mucking in.
So if you want an inspirational day out, come and visit the museum!