Terms & Conditions of Entry
Entry Charge :
We accept cash or by :
The Hawkinge Aviation Shop is a separate franchise, all major cards may be used in there for purchases of £9 and over. Cameras and Mobile telephones : Regretfully, due to the misuse of photography which has assisted a serious theft and numerous attempted thefts (three attempts in 2016 and at least two in 2017) from this Museum, mobile phones, cameras, video cameras, electronic notebooks and large bags are no longer allowed on the premises. Please leave these items securely in your vehicle, or alternatively they can be left safely at reception. If your mobile phone is left at reception, we will happily advise if it rings, if you are 'on call' and expecting important and / or urgent calls. A numbered receipt will be issued for any such item left in our care. Motorcyclists, should they wish, may also leave helmets, coats and bags with reception, rather than having to carry them around during their visit. We have sadly found it necessary to introduce these rules as the Museum, although classed by some as an aircraft museum (visitors thus expecting only intact aircraft) is in actual fact the largest and most comprehensive collection of Battle of Britain artefacts on show in the world. The collection therefore is made up of thousands of smaller items, very valuable and irreplaceable, each exhibit being a personal memorial to the pilot or aircrew involved and we are passionate and determined to protect these items for future generations. We do hold several events during the year where photography restrictions are relaxed in the two hangars and in the Museum grounds (but not in the Armoury, Operation Block and V1 & V2 display buildings). These events will be advertised through this website and our social media sites. Dogs : Only 'assistance' dogs with appropriate collar and harness are allowed into the Museum or Cafe? We do have a secure and shaded enclosed dog pen where museum visitors may leave their dog, at no charge, whilst visiting the Museum or Cafe. Camper vans : We appreciate that people like to travel the countryside in these somewhat larger vehicles and, although we like to accommodate them when possible, there are peak times when our car park is filled to capacity and drivers of campers may be asked to park their vehicles on the public road. This can seem an inconvenience to some, and in the past, staff have been subjected to abuse as a consequence, but until we expand the Museum and can have allocated parking for camper vans, we need to enforce this rule, rarely, from time to time. Museum staff will be happy to advise you on this or direct you to the most suitable place in the car park, should there be space. For details of size restrictions, please call before your visit. Coaches : If possible, we prefer to accept coaches by prior arrangement, but we can accommodate you, if necessary, on the day of your visit. Pre-booking can be arranged and there are discounts for large parties. If paying by cheque we would ask that we receive these two weeks in advance of your visit. Please ensure that you contact us for more details. Abuse of Staff : Under no circumstances will the Museum tolerate any abuse – verbal or physical – toward any of the staff. Should a visitor have a complaint they wish to take up with a staff member then please do so in a civil manner. In the past we have had rare instances of members of the public swearing, threatening physical harm and committing criminal damage. Such behaviour will not be tolerated
and any individual behaving in this way will be ejected and, if necessary, the local police will be called. The right to ask someone to leave will also be used if anyone is found to be infringing our camera ban, since we will take it that you agreed our rules when first entering the Museum. Apart from anything else, such behaviour can be extremely upsetting when witnessed by elderly visitors and young children. Having said all this, it must be stressed that such incidents are extremely rare and 99.9% of our visors understand our rules, courteously comply with them and, as a consequence, have a thoroughly enjoyable visit. Thank you. The Chairman, Trustees & Volunteers of the Kent Battle of Britain Museum