Museum opening hours - 10 am to 4 pm each day except Monday until 10 November.

Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection
Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection
Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection
Photo : © Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust
Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection
Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection
Photo : Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust collection

The worlds largest Battle of Britain collection of memorabilia, Artefacts from over 700 crashed aircraft on display

2024 Admission:

Adults: £10.00 Senior citizens (60 years and over): £9.00 Children (ages 5 to 15 years): £4.00

We accept :

Opening times Friday 29th March to Sunday 10th November 2024:

1st May to 30th September - 10am to 5pm March, April, October and November - 10am to 4pm Last entry one hour before closing. We are closed on: Mondays, except Bank Holiday Monday. No pre-booking required.
Chad says - "Wot, no cameras?"

Please note that mobile phones, cameras, digital equipment, and large bags (handbags are fine) are not allowed in the Museum and the restriction on photography is due to several reason, the main one is respecting the wishes of families of ‘The Few’ who have donated items, sometimes off the bodies of loved ones, and requested that these items are seen but never photographed. This also includes items donated by the families of such notables as Lord Dowding, Sir Keith Park, as well as many others. (Sorry but we respect their wishes over everyone else’s).

It is also in part that photography has been used in one successful and several attempted thefts to ‘blueprint’ the collection, including photographing the most valuable exhibits, door locks, fire exits and security systems.

Should visitors prefer not to leave these items locked in their cars, they may be left at reception and mobile phones / cameras can be locked safely and securely in lockers and the key for which provided to the visitors during their stay.

Contrary to rumours, paper note, and sketch books are not only allowed but encouraged in the Museum.

Motorcyclists and cyclists, should they wish, may leave valuables, including helmets, coats, bags etc at reception.

We are pleased to advise that the Museum is wheelchair and mobility scooter friendly.

You will be happy to know!

What we offer and are very happy to arrange is when you have completed your tour, speak to a volunteer and they will arrange for you to collect your camera / mobile from your vehicle or the secure lockers at reception, and then show you over the ropes and you can take as many photographs in the Museum Grounds as you wish. This includes getting up close to our Heinkel He 111H-6, Junkers Ju 52/3M (CASA 352L), Bristol Blenheim Mk. IV (Bolingbroke), three Gate Guardian Hurricanes, ‘Spirit of The Few’ and ‘Last of The Few – ‘Paddy’ Hemingway’ Monuments and lots more!

Further explanations regarding these rules, please see 'terms and conditions'.